A Study on the Translation of Government Work Report from the Perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory文献综述

 2022-08-17 10:25:35

A Study on the Translation of Government Work Report from the Perspective of Nidarsquo;s Functional Equivalence Theory

Abstract: Political documents consist in the words and speeches of leaders and the documents and work reports of the Party and government. Political documents not only have played a critical role in conveying policies, but also embody the unity of the Party and the state and represent the fundamental interests of the people. The C-E translation of political documents is the main avenue to external publicity and also the authoritative source for foreign countries and their people to keep abreast of Chinarsquo;s conditions, principles and policies, political system and stand. Due to the fast pace of globalization and the further implementation of the reform and opening-up policy and enhanced foreign-oriented publicity, the role of the translation of political documents become more and more important in that the documents have a great bearing on the foreign countries and their people about their understanding of Chinarsquo;s condition and policies. There being differences in the terms of language culture and political patterns between China and the English-speaking countries and the limit of the stylistic feature of the political documents, we are likely to encounter with several difficulties. These unsettled difficulties will cause communication blockade, leave a bad influence on the quality of translation. Eventually translation will fail in bridging the two languages. To solve these problems above, it is necessary to find a theory that can be applied into the translation of political texts. According to the functional equivalence theory, translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. This theory provides the current problems in the translation of political texts a workable solution. Based on the functional equivalence theory, this paper intends to make a preliminary study of the translation of the Report in the current Chinese international communication, aiming to find out the underlying translation principles and some effective translation strategies and techniques in the area.

摘要:政治文献主要指的是党和国家领导人的言论和讲话、 党和政府的文件和工作报告等。 政治文献不仅具有传达贯彻党和国家大政方针的重要职能, 而且体现党和国家的一致,代表人民的根本利益。政治文献翻译就是把这些文献翻译成他国文字,是对外宣传的重要途径, 同时也是他国及他国人了解我国国情、 政策方针、 政治制度、 政治立场等最权威的来源。 随着世界全球化进程的不断加快和我国改革开放政策的进一步实施, 对外宣传力度的进一步加大, 政治文献翻译变得越发重要, 直接影响他国及他人对我国形式、 现状、 政策的掌握程度。然而由于汉英语言文化、 政治模式等方面的差异, 以及政治文献文体特征的限制,在汉译英转换中, 常常会遇到种种疑难, 而这些疑难得不到解决,势必会形成传递障碍, 影响翻译质量, 难以起到桥梁和纽带的作用。 因此,找到一种适用于政治类文本翻译的理论尤为重要。功能对等理论认为翻译是在接受语中用最贴近、最自然的对等语再现原文中的信息。这就为当前政治类文本翻译中存在的问题提出了一条有效地解决途径。本文从奈达的功能对等理论出发,对《政府工作报告》的翻译进行初步研究和探索, 目的是探讨一些有效的翻译策略和手段。

关键词:功能对等; 政府工作报告; 政治类文本;翻译策略


1. Functional Equivalence Theory

During the long history of translation theories, many attempts have been made to define the nature of the equivalence in the West, with Nidarsquo;s Functional Equivalence (FE) Theory being the most famous one.

    1. Nida and his FE Theory

Roman Jakobson (1959) illustrated in his seminal paper On linguist aspects of translation three categories of translation: interlinguistic, intralinguistic and intersemiotics. He also stressed that any inter-lingual communications, especially translation, should be subjected to investigation by linguistic science.

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