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Analysis and Treatment of Mountain Roadsrsquo; Dangerous Sections

Kairan Zhang1 and Ruocheng Wang2

1National United Engineering Laboratory of Integrated and Intelligent Transportation, Chengdu 610031, China. E-mail: krzhang@swjtu.cn

2Department of Safety Engineering, School of Transportation and Logistics,

Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031. E-mail: 245857466@qq.com

Abstract: In order to study the unique accident characteristics of mountain roads to guarantee safety. Through careful investigation and information search on mountain roads and on the basis of a large number of data and cases of actual accidents, this paper summarized the main features of accidents in mountainous areas. According to the core idea of intrinsic safety, more attention should be paid to the design stage of road construction in mountain areas. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, this paper sums up the main factors that influence the safety of mountain roads, they are road geometry, road condition and unique road environment in mountain areas. On the basis of the three factors, this paper proposes the principles and methods of dangerous section of governance. Through various analysis and comparison, this paper provides a more reasonable method of identifying black spots. The research results show that: the main reason of road accidents is a continuous curve and stadia, the tunnel without lighting equipment and water seepage inside the tunnel after earthquake are the factors that lead to accident, and the existence of the hidden dangers of accidents are mainly caused by the loosening mountain rocks and the lack of Kanawha rail.

Keywords: Traffic safety; Mountain roads; Accidents; Governance.


In our country, more and more highways are being constructed in mountain areas in these years. From the situation of road safety, although the absolute number of mountain highway accident is relatively low, but the severity of traffic accidents is very high, the mortality rate of ten thousand vehicle significantly higher than the national average level. In addition, mountain accidents has the characteristics of more major accidents, the accident at night more high mortality, the more rear end collision accident, and more single accidents.

According to the characteristics of mountainous highway accidents, foreign scholars from system of accident characteristics of mountainous highway, studied in detail and found out the standard of a series of mountain highway safety facilities (Hu, Xiang, Babe). China started late, the research has been focused on the road

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