
 2022-01-13 22:26:57





Analysis and research of bamboo woven patterns in home design based on big data technology


China#39;s rich bamboo resources are an advantage that is different from the development of bamboo culture in other countries. The deep heritage of bamboo culture is also an important factor in the development of Chinese bamboo weaving pattern craft culture. At present, the domestic research on bamboo weaving technology is mainly in the study of bamboo weaving materials, production technology and weaving techniques, appreciation of bamboo weaving pattern art, problems and solutions of traditional bamboo weaving, and application design innovation of bamboo weaving technology and bamboo weaving patterns in other modern fields. The field of computer graphics focuses on three-dimensional processing, images and videos, and special research on ethnic pattern generation is rare.

Key words:Bamboo woven pattern; big data; programming; home design

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