
 2022-06-21 11:06





Landscape design of urban riverside public green space

Abstract: water is the source of life, the cradle of human civilization,

and an important factor in the emergence and development of cities. In recent decades, with the acceleration of urbanization, people gradually realize the importance of waterfront space and start to build waterfront landscape. However, due to the lack of reasonable and effective planning and design guidance, a series of problems such as environmental damage, waste of resources, lack of regional culture and repeated construction have emerged. How to build urban waterfront landscape, on the basis of meeting water conservancy and flood control functions, to protect ecological environment, continue local culture, meet people#39;s hydrophilic requirements, and promote urban development, is worthy of our consideration. On the theme of this graduation project, I discussed the related issues of urban waterfront landscape planning and design, which paves the way for the following specific design. First of all, the overall cognition and all-round analysis of the urban waterfront landscape is carried out, and its design background is analyzed; then, the development history and current situation of the urban waterfront landscape at home and abroad are studied, and the representative waterfront landscape is selected for analysis, and its planning and design characteristics are summarized, as well as the guiding theory, guiding ideology, planning and design methods that are worth learning and using for reference Based on the common problems of urban waterfront landscape at present in China and the planning and design experience of excellent cases at home and abroad, this paper sums up the principles that should be adhered to in the planning and design of urban waterfront landscape in China and the planning and design methods of various elements. Riverside public green space is to find a point of connection with the historical context of the city, to continue the historical context and reflect the local culture; to highlight the landscape function of riverside green space and create the characteristics of the city#39;s regional features; to emphasize the maintenance of the natural ecological development space of the city#39;s heterogeneity in order to restore the degraded natural ecological system function of riverside green space.

Key words: waterfront landscape; waterfront park, waterscape design; public green space; ecological city; design principles


水是一切生命体赖以生存的最基本的物质,是生命之源,也是人类文明的摇篮。 我们的祖先逐水而居,形成了最初的居民点。黄河中下游、埃及的尼罗河下游、西亚的两河流域由于靠近水源、农业发达,在这些地区的农业居民点以及在居民点的基础上发展起来的城市也是出现的最早的。《老子》一书,五六千字,全篇都在讲述道与德的哲理,而唯一出现的具象事物是水。“上善若水”,老子将水作为了哲学的载体和道的化身,可见古时人们对水的敬仰与礼赞。古希腊哲学思想里,水也有举足轻重的地位,是构成人们生活的四种主要元素之一。

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