
 2022-05-11 20:47:34




[Abstract]BIM Technology is a building information model, which integrates the building information parameters and carries out three-dimensional modeling, so as to optimize and detect space collision.Most of the office buildings use the central air conditioning system. BIM Technology completes the installation of the central air conditioning system in the office building model by modeling the size and installation details of various equipment and pipes.The purpose of space collision detection is to make the air-conditioning system in the office building not interfere with other systems to adjust the installation location distribution of the system, so as to optimize the system to reduce investment and improve the management and regulation of the air-conditioning installation in the office building.This paper primarily studies the application of BIM Technology in the air conditioning design of office building.

[Key words] BIM Technology; HVAC technology; office building

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BIM 技术也被称为建筑信息模型,是建筑信息管理的一种形式。把建筑工程项目各类的数据信息参数整合在一起,令其为基准,构建三维化的建筑模型。完成建筑项目的前期、中期以及后期的管理设计工作,协调性地开展各项信息技术的管理工作,构建三维模型数据信息库,使得其各项数据信息更加直观,将其建筑以及后期的安装操作进度尽可能全部展现出来,实时共享数据信息,最大限度地降低各类不必要的施工操作,调控好施工成本费用,保障各类数据信息的完备性。


目前,美国 BIM 技术发展走在世界前列,英国、新加坡、挪威、芬兰、丹麦、韩国和日本等国家的政府都在不断推进BIM技术的应用,并且建立BIM基金和各协会来鼓励BIM的发展。我国起步较晚,但发展比较快,自 2011 年住房城乡建设部《2011—2015 年建筑业信息化发展纲要》,各省市均出台相关 BIM 推进政策文件,明确BIM技术的发展目标和实施路线,并开展了国家和地方BIM标准制定工作。综上,国内外BIM技术的推广应用大都以“政府引导、市场主导”的模式进行[12]

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