
 2022-04-10 10:04




Asurvey of continuous control of light transmission of magic glass

Abstract:The appearance of magic glass is of great innovation to decoration, and both openness and privacy can cope with the requirements of lighting in various situations. The existing grading glass control is mainly the use of multi-pump transformer grading control, to achieve the degree of atomization of different gear control, in order to meet different needs. The author summarizes the method of realizing the change of the light transmission of the magic glass, analyzes the techniques and practicality of various lighting glass control methods, and puts forward a continuous control of the light transmission of the magic glass based on the PID control algorithm, and finally looks forward to the development and use of the magic glass.

Keywords: magic glass; PID parameter control; AC pressure adjustment

  1. 调光玻璃发展历程

调光玻璃是一种将液晶分子膜( PDLC) 夹层进两层玻璃中间,经高温高压胶合后一体成型的夹层结构的新型特种光电玻璃产品[[1]]。而聚合物分散液晶(PDLC:Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal膜是20世纪80年代发明的高科技产品,在调光玻璃、大屏幕显示、全息光栅、可调滤波器、可调衰减器等很多领域已经有实际应用[[2]]。调光玻璃在未受外界作用时,由于液晶的双折射现象,光线被大量散射,因此样品呈白色透光不透明状态。当施加电场时,液晶微滴内的液晶分子被电场调制转动,从而使得液晶微滴的主光轴统一方向,样品透过率提高[[3]]。从而透光度大大提供呈正常玻璃的性态。目前调光玻璃在市场上已经得到较为广泛的应用。首先在商务场所时,被数面墙体或磨砂玻璃隔断也会显得狭小憋闷,全部采用通透玻璃设计又缺乏商务保密性,这时一个可以在两种状态转化的调光玻璃就可以解决以上烦恼,然后在采用智能调光玻璃制作背投投影屏时,投影屏可在透明状态下显示背景装饰图画,或者作为会室的玻璃墙; 而在不透明状态下投影屏为成像幕布,具有传统幕布所不具备的多个优点。此外在银行展柜、高级宾馆淋浴房、医疗机构中调光玻璃都起到了传统玻璃所不具备的功能,例如有超高的抗紫外线性能,环保又保健[[4]]。

图1 调光玻璃结构

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