
 2022-07-18 20:01:52


关键词:网络爬虫 ;通用搜索引擎 ;互联网

Abstract:This paper summarizes the research about the design and implementation of the web spider, summarizes the view about the definition of web spider, the crawling strategy of the web spider, the architecture of the web spider, the key issues to design the web spider and identification of the web spider , and summarizes the research about how to catch the web-pages which links to the corresponding web site through one or more given seed site, and then stores it into a database or text file . The paper also points out how to solve the limitations of the Traditional General Search Engine in some areas , help people more effectively extract the information and make use of the Internet, then improve peoplersquo;s research needs in the area of ​​information retrieval. In the end, the paper proposes a web spider development plan which can meet the userrsquo;s needs.

Keywords: Web Spiders ; Tradition Universal Search Engine ; Internet






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