
 2022-03-04 23:24:18




THEME:A literature review of the design and implementation of the online survey platform in sociology

Abstract: In the traditional mode, the initiator needs to make questionnaires and test papers in advance, and make a unified answer. After the unified review, it will not only consume a lot of manpower and material resources, but also due to the limitations of manual methods, there are often inevitable mistakes. It can be seen that the traditional way can no longer meet the needs of the modern working environment. In recent years, with the popularization and development of comprehensive information in the wave of mobile Internet, it is necessary to establish an efficient, convenient and secure online survey site. Therefore, the integration of existing resources to provide an online questionnaire platform to solve the shortcomings of the traditional model under the new situation, office information and improve the efficiency of the inevitable choice.

Keywords:Questionnaire survey ; Online voting; Social survey




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