
 2022-04-12 20:34:54



摘 要

薄壳山核桃(Carya illinoensis K. Koch)又名美国山核桃、长山核桃,属胡桃科山核桃属,是世界重要的干果油料树种和干果树种之一。它原产北美密西西比河谷及墨西哥,美国是薄壳山核桃的中心区,现代引种已经使它扩展到了整个北美地区,世界上如澳大利亚、南非、埃及、秘鲁、巴西、西欧、中东及中国等国家和地区也大量引种。我国引种薄壳山核桃已有100多年历史,薄壳山核桃在我国表现出了重要的开发利用潜力。薄壳山核桃产业蓬勃发展过程中,造林种苗是否真实的优良品种,是优质高产的基础。薄壳山核桃一般栽植后五、六年才能结实,然而这些品种很难从形态学上来区分,导致目前市场上品种混乱,造成产量不稳定,干果品质差等问题。因此,一旦误用不当或伪劣品种造林,影响也将是深远的。因此需要建立一种快速、稳定、简便的鉴别方法,而分子标记鉴别品种技术,不仅具有正确率高,可靠性强的特点,而且鉴别不受环境、生长状态的限制,是解决良种鉴别的最有效途径之一。


Construction of DNA fingerprinting of Carya illinoensis K. Koch excellent variety


Carya illinoensis K. Koch belongs to the genus Hickory of walnut family and is one of the most dried fruit oil and dried fruit tree species in the world. It is native to the Mississippi Valley of North America and Mexico, the United States is the center of Carya illinoensis K. Koch, modern introduction has made it expanded to the whole North America. such as Australia, South Africa, Egypt, Peru, Brazil, Western Europe, the Middle East and China and other countries and regions are also introduced. It has been more than 100 years since the introduction of Carya illinoensis K. Koch in China. It has shown important development and utilization potential. In the process of the vigorous development of Carya illinoensis K. Koch industry, whether the afforestation seedlings are really good varieties is the basis of high quality and high yield. Carya illinoensis K. Koch usually takes five to six years after planting to bear fruit. However, it is difficult to distinguish these varieties from the morphology, leading to the confusion of varieties in the current market, resulting in unstable yield and poor dried fruit quality. Therefore, once the misuse of improper or shoddy varieties afforestation, the impact will be far-reaching. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a fast, stable and simple identification method, and molecular marker identification of varieties, not only has the characteristics of high accuracy, strong reliability, and identification is not limited by the environment and growth state, is one of the most effective ways to solve the identification of improved varieties.

Key words:Carya illinoensis K. Koch;SSR;DNA fingerprinting;variety identification

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