Design of 15000m3 / D urban sewage treatment plant
Abstract:Urban domestic sewage is the sewage discharged by urban residents. It contains a lot of bacteria and organic matter. If it is discharged at will, it will cause great pollution to the surrounding water and soil, and will seriously threaten the health of local residents. Therefore, it is necessary to build a sewage treatment plant to collect and treat domestic sewage. The graduation project is the design of 15000m3 / D urban sewage treatment plant. According to the requirements of the task book and field statistics, it is determined that the average water volume is 15000m3 / D, and the coefficient of variation is 1.53, so the maximum water volume is 22950m3 / D. the design content mainly includes the introduction of design tasks, process comparison and selection, calculation of sewage treatment structures, calculation of water quality, and calculation of water quality The plan and elevation layout of sewage treatment plant, investment estimate and operation cost, etc. Based on the analysis of water quality and quantity, SBR, cast and CAST processes were compared, and finally cast process was adopted. The sewage treatment process is divided into three parts: the first part is pretreatment, the sewage through the coarse grid lifting pump room, fine grid and grit chamber to remove most of the floating and suspended solids in the sewage; The second part is the biochemical treatment part, which is also the core part of the whole process. Most of the organic pollutants are degraded into inorganic substances by microbial degradation in the sewage cast, and then the filter is used for filtration. Quartz sand and activated carbon are used as filter media in the filter, which can absorb and intercept the remaining pollutants in the sewage; The third part is to disinfect the separated effluent, which can ensure that the effluent microorganisms reach the standard. The effluent after treatment can meet the first class a discharge standard of 'discharge standard of pollutants for urban sewage treatment plant' (GB 18918-2002). The excess sludge is first concentrated in the sludge thickening tank, and then dehydrated in the dewatering machine room and transported out as sludge cake.
Key words: CAST; Domestic sewage; Nitrogen and phosphorus removal; Concentration and dehydration
根据水利部官方统计,我国人均水资源量仅为世界平均水平的 28%,年均缺水500多亿立方米。我国660余座城市中普遍存在淡水资源无法满足生活、生产需求情况,其中 400余座供水不足,110 余座严重缺水,京、津、青岛、大连等城市缺水最为严重23[1]。缺水已经制约了国民生活水平及经济发展,故提高节水意识,开发节水技术,加大资金投入建设污水治理及回用设施已然成为重要工作方向。