
 2022-05-27 10:05


光纤通信是现代通信的重要技术,光纤通信课程系统性强、工程概念多,传统 的实验教学方法和手段已经越来越不能满足实际的要求。应用新的实验教学手段改革课程 的实验教学模式、改善实验教学效果、提高实验教学质量,需要改善实验条件和设计实验 方案,需要改变实验设计理念和设计思想,需要改革实验教学方法、手段及考核体系。


The design of comprehensive experiment of digital optical fiber communication system Guo Aihuang, Hu Zongfu, Zhu Shengjia, Zhou Jing (School of electronics and information engineering, Tongji university, Shanghai, 201804) Abstract: Optical fiber communication is an important part in modern communication technology, optical fiber communication course is strong systemic, and much engineering concept, traditional experimental teaching methods and means have been more and more can#39;t satisfy the actual request. Application of the new experimental teaching method reform course experimental teaching mode, improve experiment teaching effect and improve the quality of experimental teaching, needs to improve the experiment conditions and the design scheme, need to change the design concept and design ideas, need to reform the experiment teaching methods, means and examination methods. Keywords: optical fiber communication system, comprehensive experiment, case, design


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  2. 徐公权, 段鲲, 廖光裕等译. 光纤通信技术[M]. 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2002
  3. Govind P. Agrawal. 光纤通信系统(影印版)[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2004
  4. 徐荣, 龚倩译. 多波长光网络[M]. 北京: 人民邮电出版社, 2001
  5. 杨淑雯. 全光光纤通信网[M]. 科学出版社, 2004
  6. 乐孜纯译. 光网络[M]. 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2004
  7. 陈才和. 光纤通信[M]. 北京: 电子工业出版社, 2004
  8. 胡先志, 李家红, 胡佳妮等. 粗波分复用技术及工程应用[M]. 北京: 人民邮 电出版社, 2005 周卫东, 罗国民, 朱勇等. 现代传输与交换技术[M]. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2003
  9. 孙学康, 张金菊. 光纤通信技术[M]. 北京: 人民邮电出版社, 2004
  10. Sunak H R D. Optical fiber communications[J]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1985, 73(10):1533-1534.
  11. Keiser G. Optical Fiber Communications[M]. McGraw-Hill, 1985.
  12. Sauml;ckinger E. Broadband Circuits for Optical Fiber Communication[M]. 2005.


光纤通信是现代通信的重要技术,光纤通信课程系统性强、工程概念多,传统 的实验教学方法和手段已经越来越不能满足实际的要求。应用新的实验教学手段改革课程 的实验教学模式、改善实验教学效果、提高实验教学质量,需要改善实验条件和设计实验 方案,需要改变实验设计理念和设计思想,需要改革实验教学方法、手段及考核体系。


The design of comprehensive experiment of digital optical fiber communication system Guo Aihuang, Hu Zongfu, Zhu Shengjia, Zhou Jing (School of electronics and information engineering, Tongji university, Shanghai, 201804) Abstract: Optical fiber communication is an important part in modern communication technology, optical fiber communication course is strong systemic, and much engineering concept, traditional experimental teaching methods and means have been more and more can#39;t satisfy the actual request. Application of the new experimental teaching method reform course experimental teaching mode, improve experiment teaching effect and improve the quality of experimental teaching, needs to improve the experiment conditions and the design scheme, need to change the design concept and design ideas, need to reform the experiment teaching methods, means and examination methods. Keywords: optical fiber communication system, comprehensive experiment, case, design

