
 2022-03-11 22:47:43





Preparation and characterization of p-phenylenediamine carbon quantum dots


In recent years, nanomaterials have been widely used in chemistry, biology and medicine due to their advantages of diverse preparation methods, stable physicochemical properties and good size effect. Among these common nanomaterials, carbon quantum dots and graphene quantum dots are attracting more and more attention. Carbon quantum dots as a fluorescent material is considered promising, it has a very high light stability, good biocompatibility, cell permeability, low toxicity, water-soluble and synthetic raw material is relatively simple and easy low cost, on the basis of these remarkable properties, carbon quantum dots have broad prospect of application in many areas, such as fluorescent probes, cell markers, optical devices, drug delivery, catalysis, photocatalysis, chemical sensing, photodynamic therapy, biological imaging and the application of biological sensors has been rapid development. However, the photoluminescence mechanism and low quantum yield of carbon quantum dots limit its development. In order to obtain carbon quantum dots with simple synthesis steps, wide selection of materials, higher yield and better performance, it is still necessary to explore and improve the synthesis method. In this paper, the structure and properties of carbon quantum dots and their preparation methods are briefly introduced, and the research and application prospects of carbon quantum dots are prospected in combination with their applications in biology, security, catalysis, photoelectric and other fields.

Key words:Carbon quantum dots;phenylenediamine;imaging;


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