
 2022-08-01 21:15:20


摘要: 木质素磺酸钠是制浆造纸工业的副产品,来源丰富,价格低廉。将木质素磺酸钠引入到水凝胶中,不仅可以实现木质素水凝胶在化肥生产领域的应用,实现尿素的控制释放和水凝胶对重金属离子的吸附,对农业生产和环境保护有着重要的意义。本文通过研究木质素磺酸钠与酪氨酸的反应条件和反应机理。在对水凝胶理论知识基础上,研究木质素磺酸钠与酪氨酸制备水凝胶的合理制备工艺。对木质素磺酸钠与酪氨酸制备水凝胶的结构和性能进行表征。研究木质素磺酸钠与酪氨酸制备水凝胶对尿素分子的缓释和对重金属离子的吸附性能。对酪氨酸改性木质素磺酸钠制备木质素基水凝胶及其表征进行研究。


Tyrosine modified Sodium lignosulphonate

Prepare Lignin hydrogel and the Characterization of it

Abstract:Sodium lignosulphonate is one of by-product of pulp and paper industry.It is generally used and low cost. Lignin hydrogel applicated in the field of chemical fertilizer can makes hydrogels controlled release urea and adsorptive of heavy metal ions.It is important to agricultural production and environmental protection.This article through studies the reaction of sodium lignosulphonate and tyrosine,the preparation process of Lignin hydrogel and the chemical and physical properties of Lignin hydrogel.this hydrogel is expected to be applied in agricultural production.

Keywords :Tyrosine modified lignosulfonate,Lignin hydrogel,Adsorption of heavy metals,The urea slow-release,The preparation of hydrogels.

目 录

1. 木质素磺酸钠 1

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