
 2022-05-17 21:48:22


摘 要


关键词:Ritter反应; 席夫碱; alpha;-蒎烯; 对䓝烷-1-胺

Synthesis and herbicidal activity of paraffine-1-amine and its derivatives


Turpentine is an essential oil extracted from turpentine secreted by pineal plants. It is one of the world#39;s largest and cheapest essential oils. As an important component of turpentine, alpha;- pinene has good structural chemical reaction characteristics. It can be used in addition, isomerization, oxidation, polymerization, pyrolysis and other reactions to generate a large number of derived compounds.In this study, Ritter reaction was used to convert alcohols into amines, and aldehyde amine condensation was used to synthesize Schiff base. A series of paraffine-1-secondary amines were obtained by Ritter reaction, acid catalyzed deacetylation, alkali catalyzed hydrolysis, hydrogenation reduction, aldoamine condensation, NaBH4 reduction and column chromatography by using turpentine extract alpha; - pinene as the main raw material. Through the test of herbicidal activity, the herbicidal activity of Paraffine-1-Amin and its derivatives was compared, which laid a foundation for the development and utilization of new herbicides.

Key words:Ritter reaction; Schiff base; alpha;- pinene; paraffine-1-amine

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