
 2022-07-12 01:07




Design of the second Phase Project of Shanghai Changxingdao sewage treatment Plant

Abstract:Urban sewage refers to the drainage of urban residents#39; domestic sewage, institutions, schools, hospitals, commercial services and various public facilities, as well as industrial waste water and initial Rain Water, which are allowed to be discharged into the urban sewage collection system. With the improvement of the discharge water quality of urban sewage treatment plants, some sensitive areas (key lakes, key reservoirs and inshore water catchment areas) in China should fully meet the first class A discharge standard by the end of 2017. Through the comprehensive consideration of the scale of the second phase project of Shanghai Changxingdao sewage treatment Plant, the characteristics of influent water, the operation, management and maintenance, the design of purdah scale and the requirements of water quality in and out of the water, this kind of sewage at home and abroad is According to the research and selection of treatment scheme, it was decided to adopt A/O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal process. The biological treatment part of A2 / O process was composed of anaerobic tank, anoxic pool and aerobic pool. The main function of anaerobic tank is to release phosphorus and ammonia some organic matter. The main function of anoxic tank is nitrogen removal. Aerobic tanks are multifunctional and can remove BOD, nitrification and phosphorus uptake. In addition, the process has the characteristics of high efficiency, energy saving, high impact load resistance and good effluent quality. Therefore, it has a wide range of adaptability, fully suited to the actual requirements of this design

Key words: Domestic sewage; nitrogen and phosphorus removal; process selection; A/O process

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