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    从“双性同体”角度解读《达洛维夫人》中的女性意识Analysis of Feminine Consciousness in Mrs.

    1.目的及意义 As a pioneer of modernism and feminismin the twentieth century, Virginia Woolf's contribution to novel writing and literarycriticism is remarkable. The feminist ideas of Woolf have been valued andfavored by many feminist critics. Particularly, the concept of Androgynyadvocated by Woolf has attracted widespread attention. In recent years, the research onWoolf's androgyny concentrates on three works: A Room of One's Own, Orlando and To the Lighthouse. Since itspublication, Mrs. Dalloway hasattracted lots of school’s attention and investigation both at home and abroad.In the west, Mrs. Dalloway, as one ofWoolf’s most complex works, which is renowned for its thematic richness andstylistic experiments, has been studied from diversified perspective such associal criticism, psychoanalysis, modernist experiment and narrative styles.Some foreign scholars also have investigated and interpreted the experimentalwriting style of Mrs. Dalloway, suchas Stelmach Kathryn. In ch

    黑人女性主体意识的自我矛盾、自我成长和自我认可 The self-contradiction, self-growth and self-identity of black female subject

    1.目的及意义 As the first black woman to win the NobelPrize in Literature, Tony Morrison in her work tells that the protagonist, ablack girl Pecora's self-value is gradually distorted in the black and whitedouble cultural conflict. This novel embodies that the subjective consciousnessof black women is caught in self-doubt and self-contradictory. Pulitzer Prizewinner Alice Walker's novel The Colour Purple describes the transformation andgrowth process of a black woman named Celie bound by old ideas, fullydemonstrating the political situation and living conditions of black women whoare deeply oppressed by gender and ethnicity, and the rebellion against thisdouble oppression and the desire and pursuit of perfection. This fully reflectsthe beginning of the growth of the black women subjective consciousness. KathrynStockett's novel The Help tells a revolution story of two black maids, Aibileenand Minny, in Mississippi in 1962 and a white college graduate. At a time whenethnic co

    阿加莎•克里斯蒂作品中矛盾的女性意识──以《尼罗河上的惨案》为例An Analysis on Contradictory Feminine Consciousness in Agatha Christie

    1.目的及意义 AgathaChristie is honored as “The First Lady of Mystery”. She opened up one goldenage of detective fiction. Her fictions receive world-wide detective fans andare especially popular among female readers. In the history of detectivefiction, males dominated the field. Females in their works are fewer in numberand distorted in portrayal. Agatha Christie challenged the tradition. Shedepicted female images from a female’s perspective. Under the influence of aseries of feminist movements and her personal experiences, she created newfemale images from these in male’s works. In her first period of literarycreation, she was under the influence of the male-dominated society and detectivepredecessors and she imitated more. However, on the basis of thesepredecessors, she made a certain innovation. Her female consciousness began tobud. Then, she created more female images and female criminals occupied a largepart. The frequent appearance of intellectual females who dared

    An Analysis of Female Consciousness in Shirley: A Case Study of Shirley Keeldar 《谢利》中的女性意识分析—— 以谢利 基尔达为例文献综述

    1. Introduction 1.1 Research background Charlotte Bronteuml; (1816-1855) was an outstanding novelist as well as a poet in modern England and was a pioneer of women's literature in the nineteenth century in pursuit of freedom and equality. Charlotte Bronteuml;#8217;s work, especially her novels can be undoubtedly regarded as the most classic creations in the researching of gender consciousness and female literature. The writers in later ages were influenced by her to different degrees when dealing with female themes. Herbert Read (1893) holds that Charlotte's influence on the development of English fiction is far more profound than most people think. Charlotte Bronteuml;#8217;s work often indicate her strong desire to encourage women for independence and equality. The most noted work are Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette, etc. Shirley was one of the most important works of Charlotte Bronteuml;#8217;s, polished in 1894 under the background of Napoleonic Wars in the early the ninet

    キッチンという生活空間における女性の意識の研究 ―徐坤の『厨房』と吉本ばななの『キッチン』を対照に/厨房空间中的女性意识研究 ——以徐坤的《厨房》和吉本香蕉的《厨房》对比为中心文献综述

    全文总字数:3415字文献综述中国と日本の現代女性作家の中で、徐坤と吉本ばななは、それぞれ女性創作の新たな潮流を象徴していると言えるだろう。1987年、吉本ばななは『キッチン』を発表し、日本ハイヤン新人作家賞、第16回泉鏡花文学賞を受賞し、1990 年代の日本女性文学に新たな変革の波を起こした。一方、1997年、徐坤は同名の小説『厨房』を作成し、第二回魯迅文学賞を受賞した。中国現代文学では、女性文学の旗印になったといわれている。10年間ぐらい隔てた二人の女性文学作品がその精神的な芯の間にある切っても切れないつながりがあるはずであろう。そこで、この同名小説だけあって、中国と日本の女性文学の共通点と相違点を検討する価値があるようになるではないかと思う。 1993年から現在に至るまで、徐坤の作品に

    Western World: a Comparative Study of the Heroine’s Growth in Gone with the Wind and A Doll’s House 西方世界女性意识的觉醒

    1. Introduction 1.1 Research background Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), well-known as a Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet, is honored as ”the father of realism”. People often said that he is the most frequently performed dramatist in the world after Shakespeare. During that period of time, the theatre in European was expected to show the life people lead and what they supposed to obey. Meanwhile, Ibsen#8217;s works examined the realities hiding behind what people can easily get, with his critical eye on the family life revealing the hidden issue at his era. By the early 20th century, A Doll#8217;s House became one of the world#8217;s most popular plays. Under the background of the upsurge of the women#8217;s liberation movement in Norway, Ibsen was inspired to write this significant play which is mainly about the fate of a married woman, Nora. It tells a story of a traditional woman#8217;s awakening and struggle to break out of the authority of husband. In 1879, the dr

    法斯宾德女性电影中女性意识的表现 Das feministische Bewusstsein in den Frauenfilmen von Fassbinder文献综述

    In dem von Michael Touml;teberg (2004), einem deutschen Forscher, zusammengefassten Buch #8222;Fassbinders Filme” werden zwei Gesamtwerken von Fassbinder, die stark von seinem persouml;nlichen Charakter geprauml;gt sind, analysiert. Die sind#8222; die Anarchie der Phantasie #8222; in der Form von Gesprauml;che und Interviews und #8222; Filme befreien den Kopf” in Form von Essays und Arbeitsnotizen. Manche bezeichnen die Filme von Fassbinder als ein sehr individuelles Tagesbuch. In den Interviews wurden auch Anmerkungen hinzugef#252;gt. Er kann immer in kluger Weise #8222;Verhouml;r” annehmen. Er versteht sich sehr gut, die Gesprauml;chsstrategien vom Gegen#252;ber zu zerstouml;ren und die Situation umzukehren. Manchmal wandelt er sich in Interviewer um. An seiner schnellen und unmittelbaren Reaktion lauml;sst seine Arbeitsauml;sthetik klar erkennen und erleben. In seinen Essays und Arbeitsnotizen findet man den genauen Ausdruck f#252;r die Freiheit und Offenheit seiner Arbeit, we


    戴着镣铐相恋 ——从王安忆“三恋”看女性生存困境 摘要:王安忆的作品呈现的大多是对女性生存现状的关照,尤其是“三恋”系列,里面的女主人公全都戴着层层镣铐相恋、生活。层层镣铐的束缚使得她们在社会生活中施展不开手脚,在无穷无尽的困苦中死死挣扎,最后无一例外掉入了悲哀的深渊。然而,这些镣铐并不完全都是男性社会施加给她们的,也有她们自己在不知不觉中套上的。因此,笔者将以“集体无意识”背景下的道德绑架与女性自身性格缺陷审视这两个方面作为切入口,解读王安忆笔下女性处于生存困境的原因。 关键词:王安忆;三恋;女性;生存困境:自主意识 一、文献综述 (一)总体研究情况 二十世纪八十年代,借着改革开放与中西方文化交流碰撞的东风,女性主义作品犹如雨后春笋般涌出

    A Feminist Analysis of Marriages in Pride Prejudice文献综述

    一、题目: AFeministAnalysisofMarriagesinPrideandPrejudice 二、中心论点: 本文主要是从女性意识的角度来分析《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观以及女性意识对婚姻观的影响。 三、研究目的及意义: 当今社会,随着物质生活的提高,自由恋爱的倡导,人们的思想解锢,闪婚、闪离不断上演,相亲节目及其火热,而金钱与权力在婚姻的选择中也表现出越来越重要的作用。在这样的环境中我们应当树立什么样的爱情观和择偶观,怎样选择适合自己的婚姻,值得我们深思与研究。因此对《傲慢与偏见》的研究具有非常重要的现实意义,它为我们的婚姻选择提供了非常好的参照。《傲慢与偏见》是简奥斯丁最富盛名的小说,讲述了一个关于爱情和婚姻的故事.反映了当时的英国中产阶级的生活状况、恋爱婚姻,特别是女性的痛苦和仿徨


    中美选秀节目的性别意识研究对比——以《创造101》和《全美超模大赛》为例 摘 要 选秀泛指选拔在某方面表现优秀的人。中国自古就有古代选秀,一般是宫廷选秀。全球举行的有各种标准的评选活动,也被称为选秀。现如今,选秀反而成了时尚,由于是自主自愿的,糟粕的痕迹早已不复存在,相反,一场选秀运动大有全民总动员的意味。国内、国外有很多的选秀节目。包括了外貌身材,歌唱声音,一长之技,在某一特定的时间,空间(如学校,企业,省市,州,县等)。选秀节目的选拔特性对于性别形象的刻画、性别意识的引导塑造对现代观众们的影响深远难以计量。本文对于选秀节目传播下引起的在其他网络新媒体,网络社群的性别对立现象进行引申,进一步引出不仅是女性主义,还有男性在其中受到的性别固化歧视等,为思考未



