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    文献综述 1.前言 勃朗特三姐妹的一生宛如流星,短暂却耀眼。清贫苦难的底层生活以及男性居于绝对霸主地位的社会形态,磨练出了三姐妹与世抗争,追求幸福的顽强意志。她们通过作品来呐喊斗争,反抗宗教,反抗权威,拉开了女权运动的帷幕,也掀起了持续百年而经久不衰的“勃朗特热”。三姐妹具有独特魅力的个性思想至今仍然成为文学,社会学乃至政治学的研究课题。本文将在他人的研究基础之上,通过对其代表作品《简.爱》,《呼啸山庄》,《艾格尼丝格雷》中独立平等的女性意识分析,从而能够让大家更加透彻地了解勃朗特三姐妹,了解作品中传达出来的女权主义。也给现代女性以启示,使其能够在爱情,事业,生活上有所借鉴。 2研究背景 2.1国外研究状况 欧美的女权运动于20世纪70年代空前盛行。女权作家们


    课题名称 论《荆棘鸟》中女性意识的自我解放从沉默、觉醒到独立的蝶变过程On the Self-liberation of Female Consciousness in The Thorn BirdsFrom Silence, Awakening to Independence课题性质 基础研究应用课题 设计型 调研综述 理论研究开题报告内容:(包括拟研究或解决的问题、采用的研究手段及文献综述,不少于2000字)一、拟研究的问题与研究目的1.研究主题:《荆棘鸟》中女性意识的自我解放2.研究目的:《荆棘鸟》是澳大利亚女作家考琳.麦卡洛在1977年发表的长篇小说,小说以梅吉.克利里和拉尔夫.德.布里克萨特主教的爱情为主线,描写了克利里一家从1915年至1969年间的荣辱兴衰。 本书为当代女性写作开辟出了一个新的叙事视角。 浮光掠影中,作者透过一个家族三代女性人物的命运轨迹,展示女性共同的荆棘命运。 考琳麦卡洛将她们的心理特征和


    文献综述 文献综述:『コンビニ人間』は2016年の芥川賞を受賞した作品として、日本社会で広く議論される話題になった。 そして、村上龍、宮本輝などの作家に評価された。 楊超(2017)は、平成時代における芥川賞受賞作の特徴を分析する時に、「女性文学の繁栄は平成時代の日本文学の特徴だと考えられる」と論じた。 彼の統計によると、平成時代に入って28年間に芥川賞女性受賞作家は26人がいったという。 そして、これらの女性受賞作家の受賞作はほぼ女性の生存状況に関わる内容である。 『コンビニ人間』は女性作家村田沙耶香の視点から、女性の生存問題に関心を持つ文学作品であるから、女性の生存問題を研究する価値がある。 今までの日本と中国の研究現状から見れば、日本と中国で『コンビニ人間


    一、拟研究问题: 阿加莎克里斯蒂作为20世纪的最具代表性的侦探小说作家之一,其作品一方面打破了以男性主导的传统侦探小说创作模式,塑造出了一系列新女性角色,体现出朴素女性意识。但另一方面,由于长期受到男权话语和父权制社会思想体系的影响,传统的女性观念与形象其实仍然深植于阿加莎的作品中,其角色创造仍在不经意间体现着依然清晰的父权制文化的印迹。因此,从以上两方面来看,阿加莎克里斯蒂的女性主义观点是矛盾的,书中女性角色既有对独立、自由的追求,又有为了男性的自我牺牲。本文将以女性主义视角出发,选取阿加莎克里斯蒂笔下的长篇小说《尼罗河上的惨案》为例,浅析阿加莎克里斯蒂作品中矛盾的女性意识。 二、研究意义: 20世纪初期,随着工业革命的开展,女性的地位有所提高,所以阿加莎


    文献综述 一、研究背景与意义 宫尾登美子是日本著名的小说作家,1973年发表的第一部小说《棹》,获得当年的“太宰治奖”,此后的作品获得过女流文学奖、直木奖、吉川英治文学奖等多项日本重要文学奖项。代表作品《一弦琴》《藏》《宫尾本平家物语》《天璋院笃姬》等广受欢迎,大多都已被改编为影视作品。 《一弦琴》是宫尾登美子获得直木奖的作品。作品中,主人公苗五岁时接触一弦琴,深深地被一弦琴所吸引。恩师去世后,苗也被安排婚姻,因此一度将一弦琴舍弃。后来在丈夫的支持下重拾一弦琴,并将一弦琴发扬光大。苗选择让养女稻子成为继承人,与心高气傲的弟子兰子产生纠葛。稻子虽无一弦琴天赋,但凭借学识成为家乡第一位女性英文教师。而兰子最终将一弦琴的技艺一直传递到了昭和年代。 在这部作品

    On the Awakening of Female Consciousness: A Comparison of Runaway and Gone with the Wind 《逃离》和《飘》女主角的女性意识觉醒比较分析文献综述

    毕业论文课题相关文献综述1. Introduction1.1 Introduction of the novelGone with the wind is written by Margaret Mitchell.The story is set in Clayton County and Atlanta, both in Georgia, in the course of the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era.The main character Scarlett's spirit of constant self-improvement, hardworking and rebelliousness reflects her awakening of female consciousness as well as her pursuit of autonomous right.During war time, she bravely protects her families and makes a living.During the reconstruction era she breaks the fetter of women.The fetter is the traditional thought in the society about women.She makes money and realizes self-value. Runaway is written by Alice Munro.The first story is named Runaway, the same as the book.It tells the main character Carla's twice experiences of runaway.For the first time, she "runaway" for her love.The second time, her "runaway" aims to escape from the marriage which makes her depressed.However, she fails the se

    Analysis of Elizabeths Female Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》伊丽莎白的女性主义意识文献综述

    1. Introduction 1.1 Research background Jane Austen (1775-1817) was one of the most widely read and most beloved writers in English literature and one of the most influential women writers in the history of world literature. Rrank Oconnor (2012) holds that Austen is one of the greatest novelists, and Thomas Macauley (1996) calls her Shakespeare. Austen#8217;s works often mock at people, stupid, selfish, snobbish, blindly confident and of other ridiculous weakness through the comic scenes. The most famous works are Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, etc. Pride and Prejudice is the earliest work of Jane Austen#8217;s, named First Impression and completed in 1797. The novel arouses great concern when it comes out and becomes one of the most favorite novels at that time. Pride and Prejudice, not only a miracle of English literature but also the treasure of world literature, is listed as one of ten classic novels in the world by Maugham. Recently, British broadcasting com

    女性意识的觉醒 —析阿加莎·克里斯蒂作品中的女性犯罪 The Awakening of Feminist Consciousness -Analysis on Female

    1.目的及意义 Agatha Christie, one of the three precursors of the detective literature, is famous for the breathtaking plot, unexpected ending and vivid characterization in her works. During her fifty-five years’ writing career, Agatha created 87 detective novels in total and was honored as“the queen of crime”. Meanwhile, Agatha lived in twentieth century, a period featuring booming feminism. In such a background, Agatha Christie, as a female writer, would be influenced inevitably by the burgeoning ideology. All of the influences can be traced in her writing, especially in the aspect of female image-building. To be specific, Agatha broke the traditional style of detective novels in which males rather than females are in the spotlight and are able to commit various crimes. In Agatha’s writing, nearly half of detective novels emphasized on female crime. And females were no longer subsidiary roles because they begun to possess the criminal ability as much as males. Those fe


    民国时期女性身体知识的建构与自我意识的觉醒:以生理知识的传播为中心 摘要:民国时期,是中国社会政治动荡、思想文化激烈碰撞的时期。一方面,旧思想仍然根深蒂固的植根于普通民众的观念中。另一方面,西方知识与文化的传入、科学知识的普及,先进知识分子大力提倡解放思想,破除传统封建迷信。为了解放一般民众的思想,倡导科学观念和科学知识,各种团体和报刊纷纷兴办起来。传统上,女性的生理问题只作为妇科在医书中出现,而此时女性的生理期问题开始公开化讨论,引起了社会上人们的关注。 身体不是一个纯粹的生理机能,而是一定历史社会中政治、经济和文化的象征。通过以女性生理知识的传播为中心进行研究,可以看出民国时期主要的报刊对于女性的生理问题均有报道,比如《申报》中刊登了大量的关

    On the Development of Feminine Consciousness in The Thorn Birds 论《荆棘鸟》女性意识的发展文献综述

    毕业论文课题相关文献综述On the Development of Feminine Consciousness in The Thorn Birds论《荆棘鸟》女性意识的发展1.IntroductionColleen McCullough was born on June 1, 1937, in Wellington, a large city in the Australian state of New South Wales. Her father was an Irish Immigrant to the continent, while her mother came from neighboring New Zealand. As a child, McCullough lived with her family for a time in the Outback, Australias rough, arid region, but spent most of her formative years in the large city of Sydney.Colleen McCullough attended Holy Cross College and the University of Sydney. She excelled in Science, and pinned her hopes upon becoming a doctor. But unfortunately, she discovered she suffered from ail allergic reaction to soap, which destroyed her dream. She had to leave to work in the outback. As a young lady, she worked as a teacher, librarian, bus driver and journalist, but finally settled into a career as a medical technician specializing in neurop



