
 2022-05-25 21:32:04




关键词:B/S架构 物业管理

THEME:Property management system based on Browser/Server

Abstract: With the continuous development and improvement of information infrastructure in China, property management is combined with computers in all walks of life. While the domestic property management industry is doing tedious work, there will be some simple but error prone things due to the low level of information. In practical work, there are often problems such as untimely communication, inadequate feedback, data loss and so on, which lead to greater problems. Therefore, it is necessary to design a property management system. Because the B / S architecture has the characteristics of low cost, simple development, convenient maintenance and so on, it is very in line with the current situation of the domestic property management industry which is just in its infancy. Using B / S architecture, customers only need a browser to access the system to enjoy services, fast and convenient, storage information is not easy to lose. If we want to connect the Internet with the real work of property management, we need to refer to and study many examples to complete the function design. This paper puts forward the research objectives and contents of the property management system based on B / s by analyzing the current situation of property management in practice, the practical service needs of the owners and the close connection between computers and other industries. In order to facilitate property management, increase the owner#39;s property service experience, increase interaction, develop a property management system based on B / S.

Keywords:Browser/Server Property management


物业管理行业是房地产行业的一个重要组成部分。随着房地产行业的快速发展,人们也普遍接受了物业管理,借着房地产的发展的东方,物业管理行业也在快速发展。而一个好的物业管理,也成为了人们购房的一个重要因素。以前,物业管理仅仅做着简单的打扫,守门等简单的工作,每当业主有需求的时候,都是通过电话或是线下主动去寻求物业帮助。这样不仅繁琐,而且会有很大的漏洞,比如服务不及时,问题反馈登记丢失等等,不仅浪费大量的人力物力,还十分不可靠。根据中国互联网络信息中心在京发布第44次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2019年6月,我国网民规模达8.54亿人。这一数据说明,随着国内互联网的普及,对于物业管理可以不再仅仅局限于繁琐的线下服务,还可以通过快捷方便的网络进行物业管理。现阶段,大多的物业管理都还是通过线下进行服务,物业管理的方法并没有完善。而B/S,即浏览器/服务器模式,客户只需要拥有一个浏览器,如Internet Explorer和Google等,即可让客户通过互联网与物业取的联系以及方便物业处理事务,提高可靠性。

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