
 2022-05-24 21:20:04


摘 要



Preparation and properties of self - healing polyurethane materials


The most urgent task for the sustainable development of polymer materials is to improve the self-repairing ability of the materials so as to extend the service life of the materials.However, self-repair can be divided into foreign-aid self-repair and intrinsic self-repair. Due to the significant shortcomings of foreign-aid self-repair, the present study mainly focuses on intrinsic self-repair.Intrinsic self-repair can be divided into reversible non-covalent self-repair (self-repair based on hydrogen bonding, self-repair based on metal ligand) and reversible covalent self-repair.This paper mainly introduces the preparation principle and self-healing process of reversible covalent bond self-repair based on disulfide bond and Diels-Alder reversible reaction.According to the self-repairing mechanism of disulfide bond, polyurethane elastomer was synthesized by polyterephthalate carbonate (PPC) and 4,4#39; -dicycloethyl methane diisocyanate (HMDI) under the action of chain extender.And the repair effect of the compound was characterized by specific data.Finally, the structure of the compound was identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

Key words:Polyurethane materials;Self-healing;Infrared spectrum;The double sulfur bonds; Reversible DA reaction

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